
  • A digital collage with two traditional drawings and two digital paintings with the text Finishing WIPs!
    Digital Painting,  Drawing,  Sketchbooks

    Finishing WIPs!

    I had two works in progress hanging out there from this week – the sunset clouds digital painting (from Thursday’s post) and then the current sketchbook page (from yesterday). Even if I’m not practicing new ideas, I’m glad I used some time today to finish both of these up. It’s satisfying to consider drawings or paintings finished before moving on to a different study. No nagging lose threads!

  • An open sketchbook with two character portraits, next to a watercolor palette

    Sketchbook WIP

    Well, tonight will be a quick post of some sketchbook paintings that are still a work in progress. I didn’t have much time tonight: after dinner and some housework, I signed on to a virtual performance my belly dance teacher held. Then after I met up with a few friends on Discord to play games. The downside to virtual social events is that I have literally been at my desk most of today. I am ready to stretch and get out of this chair!

  • Photo of a sketchbook with markers and pens next to the sketchbook, and two drawings collaged on top
    Drawing,  Sketchbooks

    Sketchbook Number 4 Finished

    Yeeeesss, the Midori sketchbook is filled!!! *jumps with joy* I have been dragging this sketchbook around in my purse since February 2019 (well, after March 2020 it was just near my computer. Cause, you know…not much travel sketching in 2020). And even before that, I had it at my desk at work in 2017 for a while, slowly filling it with occasional doodles and drawing drills. I bought it from JetPens on a whim, specifically for silly doodles. Over time, it’s unexpectedly transformed into a book near and dear to my heart.

  • A sketchbook page with a drawing of two faces.
    Drawing,  Sketchbooks

    Quick Sketchbook Share

    Ah, Monday and it’s almost 10pm. At least I filled a few pages in my current sketchbook. I’ve been rewatching Sherlock on Netflix tonight as I sketched. Goes right along with my Batman the Animated Series watch from yesterday. I’m a sucker for any World’s Greatest Detective, dark knight story line, ha. ;p

  • A collage of four images on a pink and orange gradient backdrop. The sketches show a woman's face, mugs, and basic geometric shapes
    Digital Painting,  Drawing,  Sketchbooks

    Daily practice

    I have felt sick most of today – I don’t know if it’s my neck being out or food poisoning or what. So not much words to accompany today’s art. Basically my goal was to practice some basic geometric shapes – especially cylinders. Drawing coffee mugs is a way to keep cylinders feeling more interesting while I draw. I did a page of plain drawing drills (basically quick ovals and rectangles) on newsprint, before opening my sketchbook.

  • A collage of three sketchbook pages and the text Sunday Sketches
    Drawing,  Sketchbooks

    Sunday Sketches

    Yesterday was fairly relaxed, but I was feeling restless. And I woke up with a headache, so that’s never fun. I played D&D for a good chunk of the afternoon and sketched a bit, before starting to re-read Starhawk’s Dreaming the Dark, which I haven’t read since borrowing it from my university library back in 2005-ish. I’m excited to dig back into it and see how I’ve changed in how I react to/absorb it. Even if I felt quite “blah” and mopey, I’m proud that I finally did a simple “draw your day” sketch journal page. Earl Grey Tea! Pop-tarts! Reading! D&D!