• A photo of fountain pens in a roll up case, with a sheet of graph paper that says the words mark making part 16 fountain pens
    Drawing,  Intuitive Art

    Mark Making Part 16: Fountain Pens

    Yay, the mark making project continues! Fountain pens are a medium I used to think was more for literary types rather than visual artists. I’m not sure where I picked up that idea, but after reading different artist’s sketch journals and following various urban sketchers, I’ve found they are a popular sketching tool. The lines have a unique quality, compared to felt tip fineliners and other pens. And the fact that the ink blends with water can be an asset!

  • Photo collage of a sketch of a woman in a chemise, a blue sketchbook cover, and a drawing of a pile of dishes
    Drawing,  Sketchbooks

    Sunday Sketches

    Today I made vegetarian lasagna for dinner – and while it was in the oven I sketched my dishes pile. It made for a fun contour line study, with lots of overlapping forms. I’ve been reading An Illustrated Life, hoping to inspire myself to let go more in my sketchbooks and draw whatever might spark my interest, no matter how banal or humble. So dishes pile it is!

  • A digital collage with two traditional drawings and two digital paintings with the text Finishing WIPs!
    Digital Painting,  Drawing,  Sketchbooks

    Finishing WIPs!

    I had two works in progress hanging out there from this week – the sunset clouds digital painting (from Thursday’s post) and then the current sketchbook page (from yesterday). Even if I’m not practicing new ideas, I’m glad I used some time today to finish both of these up. It’s satisfying to consider drawings or paintings finished before moving on to a different study. No nagging lose threads!

  • An open sketchbook with two character portraits, next to a watercolor palette

    Sketchbook WIP

    Well, tonight will be a quick post of some sketchbook paintings that are still a work in progress. I didn’t have much time tonight: after dinner and some housework, I signed on to a virtual performance my belly dance teacher held. Then after I met up with a few friends on Discord to play games. The downside to virtual social events is that I have literally been at my desk most of today. I am ready to stretch and get out of this chair!

  • A college of an older drawing of a female knight on the left and a newer version of the same character the right with the words Drawing Redux. The artwork is in pencil.
    Digital Painting,  Drawing,  Life Musings,  Sketchbooks

    Drawing redux fun

    Decided to redraw a super old sketch from high school (so…2003 o_O). I was kinda lazy about my scan quality, I won’t deny it, but I kind of like the rough smudgy texture of how it turned out. Plus I’ve inked it digitally (WIP of digital painting further below), so I didn’t need the scan to be perfect. Cleaning up scans is just…ugh, it’s annoying.