Digital Painting - Mask of the Muse
Digital Painting

Tell Me Oh Muse of an Artist of Many Devices

A delighted muse laughs in the rain. A good spring rain, on the edge of the passing storm, where sunlight and shadow mix with falling raindrop prisms. She finds her course by stream and deer path, wandering the wildwood at twilight. She rests in the shadows of mossy rocks or under leaf litter. She presses her cheek to rich earth, listening to the secrets of growing roots.

She is unafraid of winter’s touch and the dormancy of ice and snow. She knows when to rest and when to renew. She knows how to whisper to the buried seed, “The time for creation has begun.”

Welcome to my little art blog. A place to hold paintings, drawings, sketchbook pages, poetry, writing, comics, and anything else that may spring from inspiration’s fiery touch.

This begins the third incarnation of my blog; third times the charm, after all. In the past, I hadn’t been able to decide how to use this space alongside my social media pages. I only know that I do want a space like this, not just for rounding everything up, but to hold my writing and longer essays on what I’m learning and what inspires me. And a place for a bit more depth – social media spaces and communities are wonderful, but there is something to be said for a quiet patch of the web all my own. A Lothlórien of sorts, I suppose.

My hope is to grow this into a space with creative writing, poetry, and visual art alongside a view into the process itself: of learning a craft and connecting to one’s inner muse.

Listening to: May It Be, Enya
Current mood: peaceful

I'm an illustrator and web developer honing my skills and learning all I can about drawing, painting, and storytelling through visual art.