Let’s be messy
I say, there is no ideal way to start posting art online when you’ve been on hiatus. Or at least, I’m not aware yet of how to approach it without it feeling extremely uncomfortable and clunky. So here I throw up my hands and say “Whatever will be, let’s just go!” 2024 has been a messy year, so why not just spend the last few months of it scrambling to figure out what I want to do with my art?
Sketchbook WIP
Well, tonight will be a quick post of some sketchbook paintings that are still a work in progress. I didn’t have much time tonight: after dinner and some housework, I signed on to a virtual performance my belly dance teacher held. Then after I met up with a few friends on Discord to play games. The downside to virtual social events is that I have literally been at my desk most of today. I am ready to stretch and get out of this chair!
Catching up: Character Art & Sketchbook Musings
I finished that mercenary digital painting back in early May. I’ve also been sketching more in my portable sketchbook and picked a few highlights to post. Since my post last spring, I’ve been waiting to post more until I’d figured out a more cohesive plan for how I want to make art, but that is just a laughable goal at this point. I’m far, far too an inuitive person to have a “cohesive” plan. A plan, sure. A plan that goes mostly out the window when the rubber hits the road. The more I wait to think up the perfect plan or perfect order in which to learn and practice…
Digital Painting WIP
It’s so much easier to make time for digital painting when I also have a TV show streaming on my other monitor. That’s the trick, I think, to getting myself to work on paintings at a computer, after coming home from working at a computer all day. Shading of the flat layers I’d left off with is going well – I feel like between this piece and last summer I’ve gotten a better handle on keeping the light source in my mind’s eye and having it be a three-dimensional lighting situation. I completely credit most of my progress to regularly dashing off quick life studies in my sketchbooks; even if…
Drawing redux fun
Decided to redraw a super old sketch from high school (so…2003 o_O). I was kinda lazy about my scan quality, I won’t deny it, but I kind of like the rough smudgy texture of how it turned out. Plus I’ve inked it digitally (WIP of digital painting further below), so I didn’t need the scan to be perfect. Cleaning up scans is just…ugh, it’s annoying.