A collage of drawings: one of sewing notions in color pencil, one of three pumpkins in color pencil, one of seashells in graphite, and one of croissants and coffee in graphite.
Drawing,  Sketchbooks

Last week’s sketches: Sewing notions, seashells, croissants, and pumpkins

Took a week break from blogging and then I’m back, hooray! It’s been a busy few days so I have a few things lined up to share. Color pencils and graphite pencil still life studies for tonight. The 14 day observational drawing challenge didn’t stick, unfortunately, but I have been drawing other things. Mostly keeping it very simple and relaxing for sketchbook number 9.

A photo of the corner of a sketchbook page, with a color pencil drawing of three pumpkins in grass. To the right are four cartoon Jack o'lanterns.

The above photo was shown as a work in progress in my Pumpkin sketches post last week. I studied this Pexels photo , and colored the drawing with Faber-Castell Polychromos. I’m pretty new to using Polychromos, having been a Prismacolor fan for so long. It’s so nice to have the options of both, but if I had to choose, I’d say that the Polychromos break less, but also are harder to use, so I’d stick with my original fav of Prismacolors (even if sharpening them is awful).

A photo of a sketchbook page, showing color pencil drawings of spools of thread, sewing needles and pins, and buttons and ribbons in a variety of colors. The ribbons are labeled with cursive writing: thread, notions, needles, buttons.

I also filled the page opposite my spool of thread still life with various sewing notions – roughly from reference. I really want to add more handwritten lettering into my sketchbooks, so this was an attempt to add that in as well. These were done with Lyra Rembrandt Polycolor pencils. If you are wondering – yes I have definitely splurged on the color pencils this past year with my discretionary budget. Unfortunately, new supplies aren’t as motivating as I would hope – accruing fancy tools actually kind of stresses me out, because now I feel guilty if I’m not using them more. Still, I love color pencils as a medium, so hoping to fill this sketchbook using the various sets I own.

Below was daily drawing day number 5, before I gave up on the idea – work was just way too busy last week, plus getting back into belly dance practice. I’m still not giving enough time to physical therapy exercises – which is hard because I’m not at 100% with my neck and shoulder, but I’m not in acute pain. Gah. Annnyway enough excuses! I realized now is not the time to both start blogging again, draw everyday, dance more, and try the still life/observational challenge. So the 14 day challenge can wait!

An open sketchbook spread with graphite pencil drawings of croissants, coffee cups, and a plate with plastic wrap and crumbs. On top of the sketchbook are pencils, a white vinyl eraser, and a purple pencil sharpener.

The subject was originally going to be an almond croissant, but I was very hungry and did not wait, haha. The plastic wrap made a fun subject to draw, even if the drawing on the page is lackluster. Also my foamy hazelnut latte. Which they gave me in a glass, I believe because 16oz was probably a bit too large to order. 😅 . The surrounding croissants and mugs were from various Pexels reference photos.

A photo of a coffee shop wooden table. On top is a white ceramic plate with plastic wrap and croissant crumbs, as well as a latte in a glass with cardboard sleeve.
A photo of a sketchbook page showing two large conch seashell drawings in pencil. A cedar 2HB pencil lies on top of the page, with a purple pencil sharpener to the right.

Finally, for day 6 I drew a sea shell that Ricky’s family gave us, ostensibly to decorate our garden, but I’ve been worried the elements would destroy them, so it’s been a desk decoration. I have no idea how old this shell is, what kind it is, or where it came from (probably near Florida?), so I’m really, really hoping it’s not environmentally uncool to have it, but also I don’t want to just get rid of it – it is quite pretty. I drew these studies fairly late at night (maybe 11pm?) on a work night, so I’m happy with hose loose the line work is.

A conch shell lit from above in an empty cardboard diorama.

In other news, I went to a renaissance faire for a couple hours on Sunday. It was chilly and extremely windy, to the point I felt bad for the vendors. Bought some art prints and stickers, and a tote bag. Had an inspiring tarot reading, the theme of which was basically put my creative work out into the world more and be more confident.

Was mostly too cold (I still haven’t dug my fall and winter coats out of the back of the closet), and I didn’t have time to dress up. I really want to have an art booth next year, so while all these studies and still lifes are great, I need to get in gear on the fantasy art!

Now to go do some house cleaning before showering and getting ready for bed. There is never enough time in a day!

Listening to: Beauty Beats, Beats Antique
Current mood: accomplished

I'm an illustrator and web developer honing my skills and learning all I can about drawing, painting, and storytelling through visual art.