A digital collage showing shooting star designs to the left and fire designs to the right.
Digital Painting

Quick digital paintings inspired by Howl’s Moving Castle

I’m still planning to make time for day 2 of 14 days of observational drawings in pencil…buuut I felt the inspiration to make some digital paintings, late last night and today. ^_^ Ricky and I saw Howl’s Moving Castle in theaters last night as part of Studio Ghibli Fest 2024, and when we got home, I painted a quick shooting star study based on the scene where Howl catches Calcifer.

A simple digital painting of four shooting stars on a teal sky with a few stars in the background.

Just a simple study for fun, something low stress and easy to paint before getting ready for bed. Then this morning I thought I’d either draw Calcifer or at least some fire studies. I didn’t have a lot of time, so I jumped in – no warm up, no reference. Then I looked at a Pexels reference (this one), but I still wasn’t warmed up and it has very tight lines. I also worked way too zoomed in.

After work, I doodled the border along the bottom, and I really like how it turned out! I used a line art brush for the light yellow, then filled in the orange on a new layer behind the lines. I intended to refine the whole thing with an eraser, but I stopped half way from the left. I’m glad I did, as the looser lines on the right side are prettier to me. I have a tendency to overwork stuff until it feels very flat and agitated.

Finally on the right, I warmed up first (with lots of ellipse drawings on a different Procreate file), found a new reference photo (this one), and took a multiple layer approach, kind of similar to the way I painted the bottom border design. Taking the short amount of time to warm up and think a little about the drawing is so important, clearly.

Four digital painting studies of fire in one image. One with the note 'no reference and no warm up' which is less detailed. One with the note 'with Pexels reference' which is more detailed. The third one with the note 'references and warm up'. Along the bottom is a flame doodle labeled 'just doodling'.

So, yay, not random patterns, an actual study of something. Even if it is still just practice, and not a portfolio piece or anything. I’m glad I figured out a way to squeeze in Procreate painting into my schedule.

Now to go…*deep sigh* sand the drywall joints on the ceiling of my living room, for the final spot of drywall finishing. That is a project that never ends, for various mishaps and scheduling conflicts and blargh. And after sanding: Proko day 2 of 14, maaaybe?

‘Til next time

Listening to: Still watching Jenny Nicholson's Patreon ramble, because it's 3 hours long :D
Current mood: accomplished

I'm an illustrator and web developer honing my skills and learning all I can about drawing, painting, and storytelling through visual art.