Digital Painting

  • A photo of two sketchbooks, one with a page showing a ballpoint pen tree drawing.
    Digital Painting,  Drawing,  Life Musings,  Sketchbooks

    Catching up: Character Art & Sketchbook Musings

    I finished that mercenary digital painting back in early May. I’ve also been sketching more in my portable sketchbook and picked a few highlights to post. Since my post last spring, I’ve been waiting to post more until I’d figured out a more cohesive plan for how I want to make art, but that is just a laughable goal at this point. I’m far, far too an inuitive person to have a “cohesive” plan. A plan, sure. A plan that goes mostly out the window when the rubber hits the road. The more I wait to think up the perfect plan or perfect order in which to learn and practice…

  • Close crop of a digital painting of a female mercenary, with the words work in progress on top
    Digital Painting,  Life Musings

    Digital Painting WIP

    It’s so much easier to make time for digital painting when I also have a TV show streaming on my other monitor. That’s the trick, I think, to getting myself to work on paintings at a computer, after coming home from working at a computer all day. Shading of the flat layers I’d left off with is going well – I feel like between this piece and last summer I’ve gotten a better handle on keeping the light source in my mind’s eye and having it be a three-dimensional lighting situation. I completely credit most of my progress to regularly dashing off quick life studies in my sketchbooks; even if…

  • A college of an older drawing of a female knight on the left and a newer version of the same character the right with the words Drawing Redux. The artwork is in pencil.
    Digital Painting,  Drawing,  Life Musings,  Sketchbooks

    Drawing redux fun

    Decided to redraw a super old sketch from high school (so…2003 o_O). I was kinda lazy about my scan quality, I won’t deny it, but I kind of like the rough smudgy texture of how it turned out. Plus I’ve inked it digitally (WIP of digital painting further below), so I didn’t need the scan to be perfect. Cleaning up scans is just…ugh, it’s annoying.

  • A photo of my scanner and art file folders
    Digital Painting,  Drawing,  Intuitive Art,  Life Musings,  Sketchbooks

    Misc art update

    My sinuses feel like a million bees having a rave in my face. It’s not a happy rave. In spite of that, I want to post a bunch of art because I made it and it makes me sad when I don’t share my work. It’s a pretty random collection of art from (mostly) the last couple weeks, with an old drawing from Winter Solstice thrown into the mix.

  • Self-critique banner collage with digital painting Sorceress of Eventide
    Digital Painting

    Self-critique: The Sorceress of Eventide

    I feel a little bit silly doing another critique so soon after my last one; I’d like a little time between these critiques to show studies/general practice. This time, though, the main thing I felt like I was practicing was just learning to finish a WIP file without nitpicking every detail and dragging it on for weeks. This one had started before Inktober (!) and languished far to long in my work-in-progress folder untouched, so it was high time to finish it.