A sketchbook page with studies of a large antique wooden spool with thread, and a small pair of modern scissors, with a photo of the still life objects collages on top.
Drawing,  Sketchbooks

Daily Drawing Day 4

Gah, it’s already 9:30pm and I still have a lot left that I want to get accomplished today. I did sketch today in a coffee shop, which was a nice change of pace, but I want to add more to that page before posting it, so here is yesterday’s daily drawing, from the Proko 14 day challenge.

A sketchbook page with studies of a large antique wooden spool with thread, and a small pair of modern scissors.

I feel like the bottom two spools have looser, more confident lines; getting warmed up as you draw makes a difference in confident line work for sure! Of course the ellipses, which are the bane of my drawing existence, are all crooked and irritating to look at, but whatever. If I wanted perfection there, I’d have used an ellipse template.

Photo of an antique wooden spool and a small pair of scissors with teal plastic handles, inside a cardboard box and lit from above by a bright light.

I really like visiting thrift and antique stores to look for still life subjects, but I’m kind of picky so I only have a few things in a small photo box from Michael’s labeled “still life subjects”. This antique wooden spool is one of them – I added the cotton thread after buying it. The scissors were added to give me something else to scale against, but those are just my everyday scissors that sit in my desk pen cup.

Photo boxes are how I’ve been storing most of my art supplies for a couple years now. Not 100% sure how I feel about the system, but it works to keep things organized and separated, and they’re fairly cheap when on sale.

I had a chunk of my day eaten up by needing to visit my piercing place, because my two helix piercings seem infected, so that was no fun. They are much less red today than last night (I was definitely freaked out to see my ear so red). My piercer recommended using hot compresses (in the form of warm chamomile tea bags) to help reduce some of the swelling. Likely I irritated them from whacking my own ear last weekend with my purse strap, gah. I am really glad I finally got the piercings I’d wanted for years, but if I had known how long it takes for them to heal, I would have gotten it done sooner. At least with the trip today, I was able to switch out my recent second and third lower ear piercings for small hoops, yay! And those look healthy, because they were spared being yanked around.

Today I also manged to practice belly dance again after a few weeks of no practice, so hooray! Of course that means I didn’t have time to work on my pumpkin color pencil sketch from yesterday ;___;. Maybe tomorrow morning I will wake up….early…GAH I just remembered I have early morning production deployment work at my developer day job. Never mind. T_T. And Ricky and I need to work on more drywall tomorrow after work. AND I have a user experience training/workshop I’m attending in the evening online around dinner time (for work/professional development). So it’ll be interesting when/how I practice my art… Darn it.

Now time to put away clean laundry. My papasan chair is fulfilling it’s destiny of being the clean laundry dumping ground, so I should rescue it.

‘Til next time. <3

Listening to: Ta'maral'ailen (Web of Destiny), Lorne Balfe, The Wheel of Time Soundtrack
Current mood: busy

I'm an illustrator and web developer honing my skills and learning all I can about drawing, painting, and storytelling through visual art.